cover image DIY Resin Crafting Projects: A Beginner’s Guide to Making Clear Resin Jewelry, Paperweights, Coasters, and Other Keepsakes

DIY Resin Crafting Projects: A Beginner’s Guide to Making Clear Resin Jewelry, Paperweights, Coasters, and Other Keepsakes

Teodora Petkova. Fox Chapel, $9.99 trade paper (104p) ISBN 978-1-4971-0145-6

“Although resin crafting may seem intimidating at first,” it offers “endless possibilities,” writes jewelry designer Petkova in her creative debut. She focuses on making high-gloss, clear resin castings and coatings without the need for expensive equipment. After explaining what resin is—a very broad term that can refer to natural organic compounds as well as synthetic material—the author runs through the pros and cons of different types of resins, then offers a basic terminology guide plus suggestions for materials, including molds, a digital scale, and findings to embed, such as seashells and stones. Next, Petkova offers 18 projects, including a flower-filled statement bangle, a forget-me-not necklace, a vintage-inspired trinket box, and a winter foliage–filled holiday ornament. While some of the projects are a bit offbeat (such as the dead bug key chain), Petkova’s ideas and tips offer plenty of design inspiration. Those new to the craft will be well served by this clever guide. (Apr.)