cover image The 40 Day Prayer Challenge: Unlocking the Power of Partnered Prayer

The 40 Day Prayer Challenge: Unlocking the Power of Partnered Prayer

SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt. Howard, $19.99 (288p) ISBN 978-1-5011-1967-5

Rushnell and DuArt (Couples Who Pray) believe partnered prayer can increase happiness, respect, and marital stability in forty days if practitioners follow three crucial steps: speak, believe, and expect. Making use of his uplifting When God Winks stories, Rushnell asks readers to delve deep into an interaction with God alongside another person or within a group. "[Prayer] requires the discipline to commit valuable time to speaking with the Lord, directly and earnestly about concerns and then believing He is really hearing you." Through examples of healing and by answering questions from those who are committed to their brand of religious intervention, Rushnell and DuArt present many examples of how partnered prayer can kick-start a sputtering spirituality. They suggest that the reader not only engage in partnered prayer but also to log their daily meditations with a project at Baylor University that has been set up to follow and track entrants' emotional and spiritual well-being over the forty days. Following the eight main chapters of the book are suggested sessions for discussion. Although the book does not break any new ground on prayer, it will serve as a valuable guide for those willing to dedicate five minutes a day for six weeks and deepen their connection to God alongside a fellow seeker. (Feb.)