cover image My Journey to the Stars

My Journey to the Stars

Scott Kelly, illus. by André Ceolin. Crown, $17.99 (48p) ISBN 978-1-5247-6377-0

Releasing simultaneously with NASA astronaut Kelly’s adult memoir, Endurance, this picture book offers a condensed portrait of his life. It opens with Kelly’s 2016 departure from the International Space Station, where he spent a record-breaking 340 days. Noting that his identical twin and fellow astronaut Mark Kelly “is waiting for me back on Earth,” Kelly backtracks to their childhood, when they “always had a talent for finding trouble and taking risks.” Their parents’ fighting turned the twins into peacemakers, whose ability to stay calm in tough times served them well (“You never know when your problems can become your strengths”). Family snapshots and NASA photographs track Kelly’s career as a Navy fighter pilot and astronaut. Ceolin’s, soft, nostalgic illustrations are used mainly in the retrospective portions of the book; photographs dominate the pages after Kelly’s NASA career gets underway. The result is a bit of a visual hodgepodge, but Kelly’s account firmly underscores the rewards of dedication to one’s dreams. Ages 5–8. [em]Author’s agent: Elyse Cheney, Elyse Cheney Agency. Illustrator’s agent: Mela Bolinao, MB Artists. (Oct.) [/em]