cover image A Land Called Tarot

A Land Called Tarot

Gael Bertrand. Image, $19.99 (112p) ISBN 978-1-53430-026-2

This entirely silent fantasy shows that words can sometimes limit imagination. Unencumbered by explanations of events and processes, Bertrand (Hellblazer) leaves it to his readers to fill in the details as the story unfolds through multiple worlds. The narrative follows the adventures of a knight, but without any explanation of his quest or its stakes. In lesser hands this concept would crash and burn, but Bertrand takes great pains to keep the reader guessing the reasons things are happening and the stories behind each world or creature encountered. This creates an unusual quality of interactivity that is more reminiscent of games than books, so it’s no surprise that Bertrand has a background in game design. The episodic quality of the adventure suggests that there is action and drama that happens between the pages and even within the gutter. References to tarot cards and Bertrand’s detail-oriented renderings add further depth. It’s a book that will satisfy readers of many ages. (Feb.)