cover image Almost Always Best, Best Friends

Almost Always Best, Best Friends

Apryl Stott. S&S/Wiseman, $17.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-5344-9909-6

Poppy, a tutu-wearing tiger, and Clementine, a flower-adorned alpaca, are BFFs, but when Clementine meets a new playmate, Poppy’s thoughts spiral with anxious what-ifs, leading to an outburst during the besties’ next playdate. With some careful coaching from Dad (“A real best friend wants to know how you feel. Why don’t we practice what you’re going to say, together?”), Poppy is persuaded to talk things out with Clementine. The emotionally honest exchange that ensues models conflict resolution, complete with active listening and mutual apologies. Predictably, the twosome soon become a trio, and Poppy realizes the wisdom of Dad’s observation that “new things can be good.” Narrated in the first person by Poppy and supported by cozy, loosely outlined watercolor and digital art, Stott’s perceptive story offers an empathic approach to navigating hurt feelings and challenging social dynamics. Ages 4–8. (Feb.)