cover image The Right One for Roderic

The Right One for Roderic

Violeta Noy. Templar, $16.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-5362-0572-5

A nonconformist ghost with a flair for fashion stars in this picture book by Noy. Roderic feels invisible, and having to wear the standard white sheet doesn’t help him stand out. He decides to give himself a makeover, experimenting with hats and scarves before settling on a fabulous yellow and orange poncho, plus accessories. Unfortunately, his new look draws only criticism: “Ghosts just don’t dress like that,” a disapproving relative says. In search of a more fashion-forward tribe, Roderic ventures to the city, but there too he feels unseen, sadly gazing out from a diverse, faceless crowd. Back at home, Roderic unsuccessfully experiments with alternate textiles. A shower curtain proves too damp, and a tablecloth leaves him smelling of peas; finally, he grows so frustrated that he starts tossing things around poltergeist-style, including a lively apple-print sheet that just might be “the right one.” “I like wearing this,” he proudly declares to his family, expressively determining to dress as he pleases. Primary and secondary colors and curvy, shapely graphics (occasionally accompanied by labels—“slime,” “a bone”) offer gentle energy to each page. A spirited spin on embracing difference. Ages 5–7. [em](July) [/em]