cover image The Less People Know About Us: A Mystery of Betrayal, Family Secrets and Stolen Identity

The Less People Know About Us: A Mystery of Betrayal, Family Secrets and Stolen Identity

Axton Betz-Hamilton. Grand Central, $27 (320p) ISBN 978-1-5387-3028-7

This shocking debut charts how Betz-Hamilton’s family suffered after falling victim to identity thieves. When Betz-Hamilton was 12 in the early 1990s, her parents stopped receiving their mail, including their bills. The author’s often depressed mother, who was in charge of household finances, concluded that some vindictive person was out to get the family. The author watched as troubles piled on: her parents had their utilities turned off and received a foreclosure notice, her mother was accused of passing bad checks at a store she supposedly never went to, her father learned he had property he never knew existed. “Closed curtains became a hard-and-fast rule in our house,” writes the author, who became paranoid and wary of strangers. When Betz-Hamilton went to college, she learned via a credit report that she’d had her identity stolen, too, at age 11. This discovery, which Betz-Hamilton relays with the tension of a thriller, compelled her to focus her studies on identity theft. It is only after her mother’s death that a cache of incriminating documents is discovered on the family property. Betz-Hamilton then begins an investigation into her mother’s past, a process that leads to jaw-dropping revelations. Astonishing and disturbing, this emotionally resonant book is perfect for true crime fans. (Oct.)