cover image In Defense of Open Society

In Defense of Open Society

George Soros. PublicAffairs, $26 (224p) ISBN 978-1-5417-3670-2

Philanthropist Soros (The Tragedy of the European Union) offers a slim guide to his economic philosophies and the work his Open Society Foundations have done to promote democracy around the world. Collecting recent writings and speeches, Soros details his charitable network’s organizational structure and describes such initiatives as providing scholarships to black students in apartheid-era South Africa; establishing a cultural foundation in his native Hungary to expose the “falsehood” of Communist Party dogma; and supporting drug policy reform and end-of-life care in the U.S. Elsewhere, he offers a detailed analysis of the 2008 financial crash and its implications for the stock market. Speaking to the current global political moment, Soros describes Facebook, Google, and other “internet monopolies,” as a “menace,” and contends that the European Union is facing an “existential crisis” brought about by Brexit, the refugee crisis, and austerity measures. In a speech delivered at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2019, Soros suggests that President Trump will make concessions to China while renewing his trade war with U.S. allies. While that analysis has been undermined by recent events, his warning that the White House needs to develop a “sophisticated, detailed, and practical” plan to deal with China remains sound. This is an accessible starting point for those seeking insights into Soros’s current thinking. [em](Oct.) [/em]