50 Climate Questions: A Blizzard of Blistering Facts
Peter Christie, illus. by Ross Kinnaird. Annick (Firefly, dist.), $22.95 (120p) ISBN 978-1-55451-375-8
The quirky questions in this paper-over-board earth science book yield a broad discussion of climate, while cartoons provide light entertainment. Topics include global warming’s effect on the Arctic (“Why is it raining inside my igloo?”) and how a cooling climate 2.5 million years ago forced early humans to diversify their diets. Christie also provides insight into weather events throughout history—for example, how weather change contributed to civil unrest that spawned the French Revolution. A fun and informative resource. Ages 9–up. (June)
Reviewed on: 05/07/2012
Genre: Children's
Open Ebook - 120 pages - 978-1-55451-516-5
Paperback - 120 pages - 978-1-55451-374-1