cover image Perfect Fit

Perfect Fit

Edward Eichel. Dutton Books, $19.95 (192pp) ISBN 978-1-55611-320-8

Eichel, a Reichian psychotherapist, devised a ``Coital Alignment Technique'' (CAT) said to give couples more simultaneous orgasms, more frequent orgasms for women and heightened sexual pleasure. The book's principal author is Nobile, a former contributing editor of Esquire, in consultation with Eichel. One-fourth of the text consists of an illustrated sex manual, including case histories of satisfied partners. The rest of the book presents a cross-cultural survey of lovemaking and clinically scrutinizes orgasm formulas from Reich to Alfred Kinsey, Shere Hite and self-proclaimed G-spot discoverer John Perry. CAT may perhaps represent a milestone in orgasmology, but, as the authors note, the technique takes practice, coordination is crucial, and men, who must learn not to thrust, sometimes have difficulty climaxing with CAT. (June)