Environment in Peril
. Smithsonian Books, $17.5 (248pp) ISBN 978-1-56098-092-6
Wolbarst, a physicist at the Environmental Protection Agency, has collected EPA seminars given by 11 distinguished figures--among them Ralph Nader, John Kenneth Galbraith, Barry Commoner, Jacques Cousteau, Paul Ehrlich, Lester Brown and Carl Sagan. In these forceful presentations the most frequently cited environmental threat is overpopulation, seen as exacerbating a host of perilous situations. Among the issues discussed in detail are ozone depletion, the warming of the earth's temperature, plant and animal extinction, hazardous wastes, soil and fresh water loss, climatic changes and deforestation. The statistics are riveting: world population increases by 88 million people a year; deforestation occurs 10 times faster than the trees can be replaced. On the positive side is increased public awareness of and concern about the environment. Solutions offered include these remedies from Carl Sagan: a quick phaseout of chlorofluorocarbon production; more efficient use of energy; a search for renewable energy sources; and planting and preserving forests. A basic, essential environmental reader. (Feb.)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1992
Genre: Nonfiction