Animated Alphabet
Marie Angel. David R. Godine Publisher, $12.95 (64pp) ISBN 978-1-56792-023-9
""A"" is for Angelfish; ""F"" is for Fritillary; ""T"" is for Tarsier; and ""X"" is for Xenorhynchus Asiaticus. Clearly miniaturist Marie Angel's An Animated Alphabet, with it's beautifully calligraphed letters supporting carefully detailed animals, was not aimed at teaching small children their letters with the aid of furry familiars. Created between 1967 and 1970, it was published as a black-and-white pamphlet by Harvard's Houghton Library. Now David Godine is bringing it out in full color as part of its Pocket Paragon series.
Reviewed on: 11/04/1996
Genre: Nonfiction