cover image The Hidden Jury and Other Secret Tactics Lawyers Use to Win

The Hidden Jury and Other Secret Tactics Lawyers Use to Win

Paul Michael Lisnek. Sourcebooks, $16.95 (320pp) ISBN 978-1-57071-948-6

Straightforward, well-researched and highly readable, Lisnek's account of the methods lawyers use to select jury members and advocate for their clients should become a standard in the field. A lawyer and consultant on the O.J. Simpson case, Lisnek made his reputation as one of the pioneers in the relatively new field of trial consulting (also called jury consulting or jury psychology). Chapter by chapter, Lisnek details the""combination of science and intuition"" he uses to produce the most successful""story"" of a case. (Many of these methods are similar to the techniques used by experts in marketing and sociology.) His excellent explanations of how community studies, focus groups and mock trials are used behind the scenes to ensure courtroom victories will surprise many readers. Lawyers, he explains, recognize and use the fact that""impartial"" jurors always process information""based on their preexisting attitudes and values, which are shaped by their life experiences."" And since lawyers cannot literally re-create events in a courtroom, their role, he argues, is to""create a new reality, one that is consistent, appealing, and, ultimately, compelling in the jury's eyes."" However, this is not a textbook on how to beat the judicial system. Lisnek doesn't want to con juries; he wants to clarify for readers how the law really works today, and this honesty, as well as the author's commitment to seeing justice served, anchors the book's success. With a number of high-profile cases about to dominate news headlines, such as that of the Maryland snipers, expect Lisnek and his book to be noted frequently by courtroom reporters and analysts.