cover image These Trees, Those Leaves, This Flower, That Fruit

These Trees, Those Leaves, This Flower, That Fruit

Hayan Charara. Milkweed, $16 trade paper (112p) ISBN 978-1-57131-541-0

Charara (Something Sinister) offers in his ruminative fourth collection poems that challenge the moral and metaphysical hierarchies in deceptively simple language. "Which is holier,/ the cathedral/ burning// or the spiders/ under the pews?" he asks in one poem. Nor do political hypocrisies evade Charara's penetrating lyricism: "In a big country/ the leader warns the leader of a small country/ there must be change or else." Whether chronicling Arab American experiences of discrimination or relating uncomfortable episodes in a marriage, these poems favor an honesty that will elicit laughter if it doesn't make one cry, as in a suite of short poems simply titled "Mean," in which Charara writes, "you broke my heart./ And I thanked the sun, stars, and moon/ when you got sick/ and did not come back." These surprising and transgressive poems confront the everyday contradictions of living with equal parts biting insight and grace. (Apr.)