Yoga Your Way
Cindy Dollar, Susanna MacKenzie Euston. Lark Books (NC), $12.95 (128pp) ISBN 978-1-57990-573-6
For yoga fans who'd like to test their prowess at home but are feeling unsure of where to begin and how to proceed, Dollar and Euston offer a handily designed guide to the whole process. Beginning with instructions on how to set up a yoga space at home--all you really need is a quiet spot with a hard floor--their book provides 31 possible routines (a.k.a., practices) that range from 10 minutes to 45 minutes each. The spiral bound book is designed with a split in the middle, so that readers can keep the practice list on one side while flipping through the pose instructions on the other. There are plenty of photos and clear advice to be found here. Novices are sure to find the book's indices (by time, theme and body area) helpful, but advanced home yoga practitioners probably won't need any help figuring out that a good restoring practice always ends in corpse pose.
Reviewed on: 01/01/2005
Genre: Nonfiction