cover image The Next 25 Years: The New Supreme Court and What It Means for Americans

The Next 25 Years: The New Supreme Court and What It Means for Americans

Martin Garbus. Seven Stories Press, $21 (244pp) ISBN 978-1-58322-732-9

Perhaps more than even his War on Terror, President George W. Bush's Supreme Court appointments will have a tremendous impact on the country over the next 25 years and beyond, argues noted First Amendment trial lawyer and author Garbus in his latest work, an update of sorts to 2002's Courting Disaster. Taking on conservative critics of ""activist courts,"" Garbus methodically lays out the arguments behind some of the most recent and controversial Supreme Court rulings (many decided by a single vote), showing Supreme Court conservatives turning precedent on its head in case after case. He also analyzes positions taken by newly-appointed Samuel Alito and John Roberts in their pre-Supreme careers, producing laws dating back to the early 1800s that the judges have been willing to change. Garbus cuts right to the heart of what's at stake, including rights to abortion, privacy and religion; states' sovereignty issues; tax reform and others. With crystal-clear reasoning, Garbus sounds a wake-up call for those suspicious of the current administration's long-term plans for the U.S. judiciary.