cover image Getting Past Perfect: How to Find Joy and Grace in the Messiness of Motherhood

Getting Past Perfect: How to Find Joy and Grace in the Messiness of Motherhood

Kate Wicker. Ave Maria, $14.95 trade paper (160p) ISBN 978-1-59471-716-1

Wicker (Weightless) is blunt about the trials and joys of being a mother of faith. She describes her disappointment at discovering she’s pregnant with her fifth child, admits that both she and her children behave less than perfectly at times (or often), and explores the many ways theory smacks against reality when it comes to motherhood. Each chapter begins with a witty title (“Queen Mommy”), an “evil earworm” (“Being a mother is the most important thing a Catholic woman can do”), and an “unvarnished truth” (“Motherhood is actually not your highest calling. Being a daughter of God is”) that sets up the unrealistic “perfect” behavior she then goes about dismantling. For this small but considerable book, Wicker analyzes stages of motherhood, mothers’ competitions, mommies’ martyrdom, and the downside of Pinterest perfectionism; in the last chapter, she delves into clinical and postpartum depression. Along with thanking supportive friends, Wicker tells funny stories with love and humility and includes saints’ sayings and popes’ quotes. She also offers practical advice, a reading group guide, resources, and many prayers in this candid, helpful book. (Mar.)