cover image Garden Revolution: How Our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change

Garden Revolution: How Our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change

Larry Weaner and Thomas Christopher. Timber, $39.95 trade paper (328p) ISBN 978-1-60469-616-5

This new offering by ecological landscape designer Weaner and horticulturist Christopher is a lively, knowledgeable alternative to the traditional approach to gardening and landscape maintenance. With an eye toward environmental preservation and—where appropriate—healing, the book’s premise asserts that many established gardening practices are outdated and labor-intensive and do not truly maximize the land’s growing potential or environmental sustainability. The authors propose, for example, the practice of cutting weeds as opposed to yanking them out by the roots, asserting that fewer seeds spread and re-seed when weeds are cut, which in the end stifles overall weed growth. They offer guidance for creating meadows, prairies, shrublands, and woodlands and for developing a “synergistic plant list.” With accompanying stunning color photographs, the authors invite readers into a world of new landscape possibilities with an eye toward natural beauty and sustainability. This is an indispensable resource for any professional landscape designer or contractor. Color photos. (May)