Henry VIII: Wolfman
A.E. Moorat. Pegasus, $15.95 trade paper (416p) ISBN 978-1-60598-198-7
After England's King Henry VIII is bitten while attempting to save his newborn son from a werewolf attack, he starts to have vivid dreams of being a wolf. Never particularly good at controlling his impulses, the king immediately embarks upon a double life of eating the peasantry, which he finds unfortunately fattening. It's exactly the sort of delightful lunacy that one might hope for: Anne Boleyn turns into a gloriously happy werewolf even more ravenous than her new husband; Sir Thomas Moore is unjustly accused of lycanthropy; a pair of dangerously incompetent witchfinders careen across the landscape; and Jane Seymour is secretly a werewolf hunter for the Catholic Church. Humor mixes with horror as Moorat (Queen Victoria: Vampire Hunter) gorily describes babies being devoured and Henry's literal lady-killing. Mashup fans will enjoy this decidedly alternate history. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 05/23/2011
Genre: Fiction