cover image Building Happier Kids: Stress-Busting Tools for Parents

Building Happier Kids: Stress-Busting Tools for Parents

Hansa Bhargava. American Academy of Pediatrics, $16.95 trade paper (250p) ISBN 978-1-61002-573-7

Pediatrician Bhargava sounds the alarm that kids are suffering from over scheduled, high-achieving upbringings in her helpful debut. As she writes, “The constant pressures of our society have led us to lose sight of the basic building blocks” for healthy adulthood, such as “a life toolbox” that can help kids deal with challenges. Bhargava tackles topics including the loss of free time for kids (important because it helps with social and cognitive skills), the effects of stress (it can negatively impact a child’s immune system and brain development), and how to get better sleep (reducing screen time can help). She’s strongest when sharing tools and strategies parents can use to help their children, among them “grounding” (an exercise that asks someone to focus on surfaces supporting their body); a daily mood check-in in which kids write how they’re feeling as a number from 1 to 10; and making a habit of getting outside for at least 30 minutes each day. Bhargava’s expertise and conversational tone will leave readers feeling like they’re sitting in her exam room: “Raising our kids... takes thoughtfulness, planning, and understanding what is truly important.” Parents looking to dial back on the demands piled on their kids will find this hits the right note. (Mar.)