The Einstein of Money: The Life and Timeless Financial Wisdom of Benjamin Graham
Joe Carlen. Prometheus, $25 (300p) ISBN 978-1-61614-557-6
The man Warren Buffett cites as the most profound influence on his investment approach and inspiration for much of his success was born Benjamin Grossbaum in 1894, the third son in a family of Jewish kitchenware importers. Market analyst Carlen (coauthor of From Lifeguard to Sun King) tells the story of Graham’s life: his strictly Orthodox childhood; academic career at Columbia University; Wall Street career; the development of his theories of investing; and his surprisingly infidelitous personal life. Most importantly for Buffett, a student of Graham’s at Columbia who later went to work for him in 1949, Graham wrote an investment bible called The Intelligent Investor, which remains a top-seller. His predictions bear out even today, and many financial experts rank among his disciples. Carlen hails Graham as a genius without peer, and though it’s clear that he was, without Buffett’s golden touch it’s likely that Graham would have faded into obscurity. The tone of the book is dense and somewhat obscure, not likely to bring Graham the general audience that he perhaps deserves. (July)
Reviewed on: 05/07/2012
Genre: Nonfiction
Other - 368 pages - 978-1-61614-558-3