cover image 1,001 Creatures

1,001 Creatures

Aino Järvinen and Laura Merz, trans. from the Finnish by Emily Jeremiah. Yonder, $22 (64p) ISBN 978-1-63206-268-0

In twisty free verse peppered with questions and startling facts, Järvinen and Merz ponder the qualities of 26 assorted creatures: “A blue-whale’s tongue weighs as much as an elephant!” A childlike wonder imbues each exploration, creating a shared sense of discovery (“Inside a squid beats three hearts./ What a special creature!”) as open-ended questions (“Can you use the squid’s tricks when you’re playing hide-and-seek?”) invite engagement. The inky menagerie, conjured from spots, smears, splotches, lines, and brushstrokes—a pooping rhinoceros with a windmilling tail, a wide-eyed whale surfacing for air, and sharp-toothed wolves lolling in packs—is a humorous visual delight. Together, they offer a joyous celebration of “the funny little miracle[s]” of nature, and the curiosity and creativity of one particular creature: “Its name is ‘human.’ ” Ages 3–6. [em](Sept.) [/em]