cover image Game of Strength and Storm (The Labors of Gen #1)

Game of Strength and Storm (The Labors of Gen #1)

Rachel Menard. Flux, $14.99 paper (400p) ISBN 978-1-63583-076-7

Menard’s debut reimagines Greco-Roman mythology in an intriguing fantasy series starter. Every year, merciless Olympian Empresses organize a lottery, granting 10 wishes in exchange for individuals’ trades and labor. Two of this year’s supplicants include Gen and Lady Castor. Gen, an animal-controlling MindWorker and the last known descendant of the Mazon race, requests her father’s release from unjust imprisonment. Castor, of the wealthy weather-bottling StormMakers, wants her father to break patriarchal tradition and name her as his heir instead of her impractical twin brother Pollux. The Empresses pit Gen and Castor against each other, tasking the teens with granting the requests of their fellow entrants. Whomever can complete the most challenges—which are inspired by the labors of Hercules and include killing a Hydra and recovering a lost ship—will attain their desire; the other will leave empty-handed. Though the complex worldbuilding is occasionally daunting, Menard’s rapid pace and sympathetic characters make for a sweeping adventure. Characters are described as having myriad skin tones, some fanciful. Ages 14–up. Agent: Valerie Noble, Donaghy Literary. (June)