cover image No Planet B: A Teen Vogue Guide to the Climate Crisis

No Planet B: A Teen Vogue Guide to the Climate Crisis

Edited by Lucy Diavolo. Haymarket, $15.95 trade paper (200p) ISBN 978-1-64259-259-7

Diavolo, news and politics editor at Teen Vogue, collects writings on climate change, activism, and intersectionality in this insightful anthology. Thirty-two essays lay out the harsh realities of the climate crisis and celebrate the efforts of youth activists who, among other things, fought for clean water in Flint, Mich.; protested the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline; and organized climate strikes in 2019. In “The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Worsening the Global Plastics Crisis,” Maia Winkler captures “the sheer magnitude of plastics” that impact waterways and food chains, and Alli Maloney, in “I Went to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is What I Saw,” offers a vivid account of her time aboard a Greenpeace ship, where she had her “hands in the sea, pulling out toilet brush handles, bleach bottles, laundry baskets.” Though aimed at teens, the pieces on offer would benefit parents, politicians, and seasoned activists as well: as Teen Vogue editor-in-chief Lindsay Peoples Wagner writes in the introduction,“I hope that it forces... those in power to see that the health of our planet depends on how quickly and drastically we change our behaviors.” The collection proves hopeful, informative, and urgent. (Feb.)