cover image The Dove in the Belly

The Dove in the Belly

Jim Grimsely. Levine Querido, $19.99 (336p) ISBN 978-1-64614-131-9

Achingly heartfelt, Grimsely’s (Dream Boy) gay campus romance, set in 1977 Chapel Hill, sees English and journalism student Ronny Mallory, who works at a local newspaper to make ends meet, falling for dimpled football player Ben Nickelsen, whom Ronny tutors. The cued-white students’ attraction is mutual, even if Ben—who has a girlfriend—initially seems to be spending time with Ronny for sex and emotional support (“You settle me down a little,” Ben admits). Despite Ben’s abuses (including homophobic slurs), the young men grow closer, with Ronny helping Ben through his mother’s cancer treatments—until Ben’s disappearance sends Ronny into an emotional tailspin. If and how the lovers might end up together forms the narrative tension amid jealousy, deep hurts, and emotional and physical intimacy. Though incidents of emotional abuse go uncontextualized, Grimsely excels at creating mood and strong emotions, from the goings-on at Ronny’s boardinghouse, whose proprietor experiences ill health, to palpable feelings of longing and grief. Ages 16–up. Agent: Melanie Jackson, Melanie Jackson Agency. (May)