cover image The Secret Summer Promise

The Secret Summer Promise

Keah Brown. Levine Querido, $19.99 (336p) ISBN 978-1-64614-173-9

Seventeen-year-old Andrea and her best friend Hailee have prepared a Best Summer Ever list filled with activities, including attending a Lizzo concert, going thrifting, skinny-dipping, and binge-watching Drew Barrymore films. Andrea also has her own secret goal: falling out of love with Hailee. After becoming estranged from her other best friend, Olivia, Andrea is hesitant to potentially ruin her friendship with Hailee by confessing her feelings; she also struggles with the belief that her cerebral palsy will prevent anyone from loving her. When classmate George starts expressing interest in Andrea, however, she begins realizing that people do find her attractive. But after Hailee learns that Andrea has been ditching her to hang out with George, the summer sours with Hailee’s hurt feelings and Andrea’s guilt. Lighthearted romance that’s sure to gratify and meaningful conversations surrounding friendship and first love drive this earnest treat from Brown (Sam’s Super Seats), which boasts leisurely pacing that mimics the syrupy unraveling of a slow, hot summer. Andrea is Black, Hailee is Chinese, George has green eyes and brown hair. Ages 12– up. Agent: Alexander Slater, Sanford J. Greenburger Assoc. (May)