cover image Out of Range

Out of Range

Heidi Lang. McElderry, $17.99 (320p) ISBN 978-1-66590-334-9

Lang’s (the Whispering Pines series) smartly developed novel depicts a sibling feud that culminates in a high-adventure survival story. The present-day narrative finds 14-year-old Abby, 12-year-old Emma, and nine-year-old Ollie McBee, all presumed white, hiking through the wilderness at Camp Unplugged, where they’ve been sent to reconnect after months of tricks, betrayals, and shifting alliances following a cross-country move. The specifics of their conflict unfold in flashbacks that deftly rotate among the sisters’ perspectives, which effectively convey each girl’s personality and role in the family. As the oldest, Abby longs to strike out on her own socially, faking a love of running when she falls for her school’s cross-country star. Shy middle child Emma struggles with catastrophic thinking and feels adrift in middle school—especially after Abby arranges a cruel public prank. Youngest child Ollie puts on a tough front but longs to lure Emma to her side, “Team Youngers.” Soon lost and alone in the woods, the sisters encounter a raging river and a snarling bear alongside their need for one another. Lang packs a lot into the well-paced pages, weaving believable character growth into an enjoyable kids versus nature—and sister versus sister versus sister—tale. An author’s note concludes. Ages 8–12. Agent: Jennifer Azantian, Azantian Literary. (June)