Sing-Along Alef Bet
Mama Doni and Eric Lindberg, illus by Rinat Gilboa. Behrman House/Apples & Honey, $17.95 (32p) ISBN 978-1-68115-509-8
Mama Doni is the stage name of singer-songwriter Doni Zasloff, and a song written and performed with her husband, Lindberg, introduces the Hebrew alphabet in this upbeat adaptation. Gilboa’s multi-textured patchwork collages focus on a pair of siblings, who often interact with the Hebrew letters on each page. “Alef is for aba and ima./ That’s a dad and mom./ Bet is my bayit,/ at home where I belong,” reads the opening spread; on the page at left, the boy uses a large alef like a slide while on the facing page, the bet is incorporated into the façade of the family’s house. Fabric patterns and golden tones in the artwork create a sense of warmth throughout, like stepping into a home where welcoming candles glow. An app with a recording of the song is available for download. Ages 2–5. [em](Apr.)
Reviewed on: 04/04/2016
Genre: Children's