cover image Coaster


Paula Kluth, illus. by Vinsensiana Aprilia. Paula Kluth, $12.99 paper (32p) ISBN 978-1-69017-909-2

In a rhythmic celebration of variously abled beings, Coaster, an eager-looking puppy with floppy ears and slick wheels that support his hindquarters, awaits adoption at an animal shelter. Despite being “admired by all of the other puppies... and even some of the kittens” for his wheels and other attributes, “nobody... opened his cage to take him home.” Confused and dejected, Coaster dreams of a perfect person of his own, and when he awakens, she is right there waiting. Featuring a warm color palette, Aprilia’s digital artwork shows the head and shoulders of a brown-skinned child who uses wheels of her own to get around. Kluth, an educator and advocate for disability rights, centers Coaster’s experience (“He was remarkable because he had wheels.... They were amazing. He was amazing”) in this inclusive tale. Ages 4–8. (Self-published)