cover image Is God in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth

Is God in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth

John D. Sambalino. Vanishing Circle Press, $16.95 trade paper (284p) ISBN 978-1-7326578-0-9

Sambalino, a lawyer and venture capitalist, recounts his spiritual life and travels in his enjoyable, chatty debut. Convinced that reality is not as it appears and that there must be a hidden truth, Sambalino began at an early age looking for guidance in religious traditions. Unfulfilled by the Catholicism of his childhood, he turned to tai chi while attending the University of Florida in the early 1970s. He then began transcendental meditation and took a siddhi (supernormal abilities) course, after which he felt himself gaining inner awareness: “I was always high, naturally high from meditating.” During a deep meditation, he felt enveloped by a ball of energy and realized he had tapped into the “ultimate reality,” which is changeless and boundless. Readers will lose themselves in Sambalino’s adventures through India, the Himalayas, Nepal, and Egypt as he contemplates the nature of awareness, wisdom, and understanding. With a focus on attention to one’s surroundings, Sambalino’s meticulous investigation of his spiritual thinking will appeal to readers interested in transcendental meditation. (BookLife)