cover image Bulletproof Your Business Now: Essential Advice You Need to Survive Tough Times in Business

Bulletproof Your Business Now: Essential Advice You Need to Survive Tough Times in Business

Andrew Griffiths, Allen & Unwin (IPG, dist.), $14.95 paper (181p) ISBN 978-1-741-75989-1

Griffiths (101 Ways to Market Your Business) offers 40 simple tips for small business owners looking to protect themselves during typical business crises. While the advice is well-intentioned and sound if somewhat facile, business owners will find it difficult to shore up faltering organizations by "getting a life" and "thinking outside the box." Those looking for guidelines to inoculate—or, as the title suggests, "bulletproof"—their business might be disappointed; Griffiths is preoccupied with business owners developing an inner steadiness as their markets dip and dive. His thoughts on surviving when your business doesn't provides emotional, if not financial, guidance, and he is pragmatic in advising entrepreneurs to accept that businesses do go broke and it might just be the best thing that's happened to them. For those embarking on new ventures or surviving close calls, Griffiths provides a useful primer on ways to avoid trouble, but he falls short on ac-tion items to save those who are already floundering. (Aug.)