The New Trailside Cookbook: 100 Delicious Recipes for the Camp Chef
Kevin Callan and Margaret Howard. Firefly, $19.95 (191p) ISBN 978-1-77085-189-4
Preparing great food can be a real challenge for campers when they're "out there." But author Margaret Howard has teamed up with avid camper Kevin Callan to provide nutritious recipes that can be made and enjoyed in the great outdoors. Many have two components %E2%80%94 preparation that can be done before leaving home, and camp-side cooking. From herb stuffed grilled fish to berry good pancakes, the authors have some great ideas for innovative meals. But for campers heading out with a backpack rather than a minivan and large coolers, many of the recipes will be challenging in that some of the ingredients they call for, such as yogurt, milk, cheese and eggs, require refrigeration %E2%80%93 a difficult feat in true wilderness. Some require a Dutch oven or a good skillet. Still, there are sufficient options in the cookbook to keep wilderness campers and their "soft adventure" counterparts interested. Recipes for high calorie and nutritious snacks for hikers on the move: granola squares, fruit %E2%80%98n' fiber cookies and cereal bars that can be made at home are easy to prepare.. The authors also offer useful tips for menu planning, foraging for ingredients and cold weather nutrition. (March) North American Distribution: Firefly Books
Reviewed on: 04/08/2013
Genre: Nonfiction