cover image The Puzzle Universe: A History of Mathematics in 315 Puzzles

The Puzzle Universe: A History of Mathematics in 315 Puzzles

Ivan Moscovich. Firefly, $39.95 (394p) ISBN 978-1-77085-475-8

Moscovich is well known for his many books on mathematics and puzzles, including 1000 Playthinks, and in many ways, this book picks up where that one left off. Playthinks are mathematical puzzles and conundrums, derived from different scientific disciplines, which Moscovich writes are intended to "transfer you to a state of mind where free thinking, pure play and problem solving coexist for the betterment of your brain," and he introduces even more in this book. These Playthinks vary in difficulty, but what adds appeal to this book is that they are presented in a loose chronology. Moscovich takes the reader through a history of mathematics where key personages of the history of science and mathematics are introduced and interesting aspects of their work is contextualized and reflected in a Playthink. This book is good for all ages and readerships, but like many books of this type, what readers will get out of it will be proportionate to the efforts they put in. Moscovich's aim, however, is to encourage creative thought through challenges that should entice, not daunt, and he includes an answer key at the back. It's a great read for anyone interested in puzzles or mathematics. (Nov.)