cover image How to Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving the House

How to Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving the House

Claire Ratinon. Laurence King, $16.99 trade paper (128p) ISBN 978-1-78627-737-4

Ratinon, a former documentary filmmaker from London, targets in this slim primer the urban gardener with the will but not the space to plant something. Ratinon writes, “You might not achieve self-sufficiency, but you can experience the pleasure of nurturing a seed into a plant that ends up on your plate.” Ratinon advises on making the most of a small space (such as a balcony), choosing containers and a growing medium (because of soil’s heaviness, she recommends using compost), and deciding what to grow, as well as the tools and supplies needed. She also touches on the sowing and harvesting of seeds, acclimatizing plants to the outdoors, watering, feeding, and combating pests and diseases. Tips are given for growing plants such as salad greens, peppers, tomatoes, and peas, as well as plants listed by their British common names, such as aubergines (eggplants) and courgettes (zucchinis). Ratinon supports an organic approach and to that end promotes stewardship and covers the basics of composting with worms. While not going into great depth, Ratinon makes gardening look easy and fun. Urban dwellers eager to try their hand at self-sufficiency will find an encouraging start here. (Sept.)