cover image Teaching Positive Body Yoga: A Guide to Inclusivity, Language and Props

Teaching Positive Body Yoga: A Guide to Inclusivity, Language and Props

Donna Noble. Singing Dragon, $26.95 trade paper (208p) ISBN 978-1-78775-335-8

The “mainstream yoga industry” is kicked to the curb in this uplifting collection from Curvesomeyoga founder Noble. After becoming ill with Bell’s palsy, Noble was inspired to become a yoga instructor and make “yoga available for everybody, regardless of age, size, ethnicity, ability or gender.” She brings that passion to these practical tips for instructors and casual yogis alike. The book’s first part is something of a body positivity 101, with Noble defining the term and exploring its role in the industry: “Mainstream yoga has become a reflection of the fashion industry, where ‘thin’ is the ideal body type, and wearing on-trend clothes... has become a prerequisite.” Then come tricks for making classes “judgement-free”: teachers can avoid using the word “just” during class (as in “just go into splits”), use diverse marketing images, and check in with students to see if they’re comfortable with hands-on adjustments. Casual yogis, meanwhile, should rest assured that they are “their own best teachers.” Step-by-step yoga sequences with seated modifications add to the book’s utility. The result is a refreshing take on standard fitness fare. (Aug.)