cover image The Seasonal Gardener: Creative Planting Combinations

The Seasonal Gardener: Creative Planting Combinations

Anna Pavord. Phaidon, $49.95 (208p) ISBN 978-1-83866-398-8

“Among gardeners, as with fashionistas, what goes with what will always be a matter of debate,” writes Pavord (The Curious Gardener), associate editor of Gardens Illustrated magazine, in this fantastic seasonal guide to planting. In spring, she suggests scattering pale blue Puschkinia to prettify the ground until geraniums leaf out. In summer, she recommends planting phlox paniculata ‘David’ with penstemon for their “superb foliage,” and the fall, when “warm, still days... provide the best gardening conditions of the year,” demands such plants as autumn cyclamen, which will hold a “sculptural presence through the dark days of winter ahead.” Each season’s chapter starts with a discussion of gardening theories and plant types, followed by trios of suggested plantings, with the “star qualities” that make each plant special highlighted. Beautiful photos appear throughout, and Pavord’s wit is a big plus: “If slugs ate bindweed, it would be much easier to believe that we are, indeed, part of some Grand Design,” and “Irises are made for hedonists.” Readers should be prepared for a very British vibe, and some of the author’s favored plants may not be readily available in the States. But even armchair gardeners will appreciate the author’s expertise. [em](Apr.) [/em]