Your Sketchbook, Your Self
Felicity Allen. Abrams/Tate, $12.95 paper (48p) ISBN 978-1-85437-969-6
This how-to guide for building a sketchbook contains samples of preliminary sketches, notes, and doodles from the notebooks of various artists, including Picasso and J.M.W. Turner. Allen asks readers to closely observe artwork and the natural world—as well as to avoid self-censorship—as they develop their personal collection of artistic reflections. Throughout, Allen underlines the importance of tenacity, open-mindedness, and remaining true to oneself (“A sketchbook should be customised to do what you want it to do”), and the message about studying and learning from the processes of accomplished artists as a way to develop one’s own skills and style is invaluable. Ages 14–up. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 10/10/2011
Genre: Children's