Hablemos Acerca del S-E-X-O = Let's Talk about Sex
Sam Gitchel, Lorri Foster. Book Peddlers, $9.99 (92pp) ISBN 978-1-931863-19-3
Let's Talk About S-E-X: A Guide for Kids 9 to 12 and Their Parents by Sam Gitchel and Lorri Foster tackles one tough subject in a frank, conversational tone. Beginning with ""The Inside Story,"" about how sexual organs develop (anatomical line drawings illustrate), the narrative then segues into a discussion of intercourse. Many parents will welcome the way the authors dispel common misconceptions (""Many teenagers face a lot of pressure to have intercourse before they are ready.... The truth is, most teenagers are not having sex""). A section for parents helps them prepare for this discussion, anticipating questions and offering a list of Web sites and other resources. .
Reviewed on: 09/01/2005
Genre: Children's