cover image I Want That Love

I Want That Love

Tatsuya Miyanishi, trans. from the Japanese by Mariko Shii Gharbi. Museyon (IPG, dist.), $16.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-940842-14-1

The fearsome dinosaur from You Look Yummy! and You Are My Best Friend returns in a third outing, but Tyrannosaurus’s belief that “strength means everything” is challenged when old age leaves him vulnerable. After being cared for by some baby triceratops, Tyrannosaurus recognizes the error of his ways, ultimately sacrificing himself to protect them from threatening Giganotosauruses (with plenty of dino violence, this is easily the grimmest book in the series so far). Miyanishi’s bold, luridly colored artwork remains attention-grabbing, but long-winded narration (“Violence isn’t the answer. There is something more powerful than strength, and more precious too. That is love. Love is stronger than violence”) makes the story’s message land with a thud. Ages 5–7. (Dec.)