Snails Are Just My Speed!
Kevin McCloskey. Toon, $12.95 (40p) ISBN 978-1-943145-27-0
The fourth title in McCloskey’s Giggle and Learn series of leveled reader comics celebrates the notoriously poky mollusk. In distinctively quirky graphics, McCloskey shows snails ambling along on mucus trails and handily communicating via dialogue balloons. Three children learn about snails with readers, expressing enthusiasm and occasional revulsion in response. “Snails make a lot of mucus. With mucus, they can travel on any surface,” McCloskey writes. A chestnut-colored snail flagrantly demonstrates this point: “I can climb over a knife and not get hurt!” Readers will also learn that “every snail is both male and female” and “a snail’s eyes are weak, but it uses its lower tentacles to feel and smell.” McCloskey’s series continues to deliver an offbeat blend of science, humor, and a dynamic interplay between words and pictures. Ages 4–8. (May)
Reviewed on: 05/14/2018
Genre: Children's