cover image The Influential Author: How and Why to Write, Publish, and Sell Nonfiction Books That Matter

The Influential Author: How and Why to Write, Publish, and Sell Nonfiction Books That Matter

Gregory V. Diehl. Identity Publications, $9.99 e-book (436p) ISBN 978-1-945884-65-8

Business writer Diehl (Brand Identity Breakthrough) delivers a practical and encouraging guide to self-publishing nonfiction. In snappy chapters that talk directly to potential authors, Diehl covers the process from start to finish. First, he recommends rejecting the notion that any stigma still exists around self-publishing. Then, he advises, authors should select a new topic to write about, or an old one that can be written about in a new way. To that end, Diehl suggests outlining the book into chapters and figuring out exactly what one wants to communicate before beginning to write. In the editing and refining stage, he advises cutting anything that does not serve the book’s purpose. When the finished book is ready to be presented, its title, cover, and synopsis are the first things readers will see, so it is imperative, Diehl writes, that they are enticing and free of typos. Most helpfully, he urges aspiring authors to pick the marketing plan that will deliver the highest return for their investment. Though lengthy, Diehl’s book can be quickly read and is crammed with practical ideas that readers will want to highlight and refer back to when they endeavor to write their own book. (Self-published.)