cover image Two Shades of Crazy

Two Shades of Crazy

Christine Matthews. Gordian Knot, $14.99 trade paper (188p) ISBN 978-1-950565-13-9

PI Gloria Watson, the savvy narrator of this lively series launch from Matthews (Sapphires Aren’t Forever), has just moved from Chicago to Laughlin, Nev., “the RV capital of the country,” in her quest to reboot her life. Local news programs are still buzzing with talk about beautiful Victoria Chavez, who has just been convicted of the murder of her lover, Peter Richardson, when Wyatt Burns shows up at Gloria’s office asking for help in proving Victoria’s innocence. “I was there when that man... was killed,” says Wyatt, who can’t go to the police because he was stalking Victoria and admitting what he saw would also mean confessing to his activities as a Peeping Tom. Against her better judgment, Gloria accepts the case. But the more she learns about her client, the more her doubts pile up. After a second murder, Gloria winds up locking horns with a sexy widow and the angry, revenge-seeking relatives of both victims. Nicely drawn supporting characters are a plus. This fast, fun crime novel bodes well for future entries. (Feb.)