cover image Home with Rue: Style for Everyone

Home with Rue: Style for Everyone

Kelli Lamb. Ten Speed, $35 (272p) ISBN 978-1-9848-6068-2

Lamb, editorial director of Rue magazine, sets out to help readers create their “ultimate living space” in this exquisite guide to home decor. Lamb begins by encouraging readers to ask what a “functional, joyful home” looks like to them and then goes room by room offering pointers on how to add “beauty in your everyday routines.” Her tour starts in the entryway, which should “welcome you home” (mirrors usually look good here), then moves through the living room (a coffee table wrapped in fabric is an easy, stylish upgrade), dining area (opting for an antique “time-worn” table means “a spill will only add to its character”), and laundry space (decanting detergents into glass containers is a nice touch). Lamb insists that play areas for children be decorated to suit the tastes of those they serve rather than those of the adults in the house, and outside, a rug “ups the cozy factor.” Photos accompany the design tips, and Lamb’s approach is friendly and unpretentious. Design aficionados looking to shake up their decor need look no further. Agent: Joy Tutela, David Black Literary. (Apr.)