cover image Parenting and Parashah: A Family Discussion Book

Parenting and Parashah: A Family Discussion Book

Yisroel Boruch Sufrin. Gefen, $24.95 (216p) ISBN 978-9-657023-78-5

In this pithy if at times confounding debut, Rabbi Sufrin draws parenting lessons from the Torah in essays that advise parents on ways to face “common day-to-day parenting challenges.” The story of Jacob giving each of his children a different blessing, the author suggests, emphasizes “how important it is to individualize and personalize our expectations for our children” and to nurture their “special attributes.” God’s instruction to Aaron to light the menorah serves as a metaphor for inspiring others, and Sufrin urges parents to spark their children’s “inner flames.” The author also provides discussion questions to stimulate further conversation (“What answer would you give if someone asks where Hashem is at this time?” “Which of the ten commandments... speaks to you the most?”). Some head-scratching interpretations weigh this down, such as when Sufrin holds up as an exemplar of selfless devotion Abraham’s choice to obey God and nearly slaughter his son, making this the rare parenting guide that apologetically broaches filicide. Dasee Berkowitz’s Becoming a Soulful Parent is a better fit for parents unwilling to accept the Hebrew Bible at face value. (Mar.)