The Chimpanzee Children of Gombe
Jane Goodall, photos by Michael Neugebauer. Minedition (IPG, dist.), $19.99 (64p) ISBN 978-988-8240-83-8
Goodall introduces and reflects on the chimpanzees of the Gombe National Park that she has known and studied, describing the structure and dynamics of chimpanzee families and considering the ways human and chimpanzee social relationships are similar. “When my son... was small he played with the children of the Tanzanian staff,” she writes. “And when I watched them I could see how they behaved so much like the chimpanzee children I knew so well.” Absorbing photographs from publisher Neugebauer provide intimate glimpses of baby chimps playing with family members, as well as of the other animals that populate the Gombe. A lovely look at Goodall’s service to the welfare of the great apes. Ages 5–7. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 10/06/2014
Genre: Children's