cover image A Mouthful of Minnows

A Mouthful of Minnows

John Hare. Greenwillow, $17.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-0630-9322-5

Alphonso is an alligator snapping turtle, a species with a wormlike tongue that attracts unsuspecting fish. He’s not a baddie (an opening scene establishes that he has plenty of turtle pals), just hungry—and as per usual, he parks at the bottom of the pond with mouth open wide and tongue wriggling, waiting for breakfast to swim in. But when a school of minnows decides that the “worm” would make a perfect birthday present for their friend Big Betty, and she shows up with all her children and grandchildren (“This is the very best birthday I could ask for!”), Alphonso is so overcome that he not only loses his appetite, he also saves Big Betty from getting caught on a worm-clad fishing hook. Hare’s (the Field Trip Adventures series) spot-on characterizations are matched by the beauty of the book’s digitally finished acrylic settings, which show multiple perspectives of the pond’s emerald green waters streaked with rays of sunlight from above. While it’s not clear whether Alphonso has sworn off minnows entirely, at the very least he’s discovered that a little delayed gratification can mean a great fishing story. Back matter offers more detail on Alphonso’s species. Ages 4–8. (May)