cover image Tethered to Other Stars

Tethered to Other Stars

Elisa Stone Leahy. Quill Tree, $19.99 (320p) ISBN 978-0-06-325548-7

After U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids result in numerous neighbors’ deportations, Salvadoran-Guatemalan seventh grader Wendy Celestina Toledo and her family move from Melborn, S.C., to Columbus, Ohio. It’s a new start at a new school in a new city; Wendy’s parents’ number one rule is for Wendy and her older brother to keep their heads down. Still, Wendy is excited for her first day at Leopold Preparatory, a public school for gifted students, and the opportunity to enter the upcoming science fair. At school, she befriends artist Mal, student government hopeful K.K., and enthusiastic Etta, the daughter of the local pastor. Wendy’s family isn’t adjusting as well: her brother has been behaving recklessly, her mother rarely leaves the house, and both her parents feel uneasy about the woman taking sanctuary from ICE agents in the church next door, afraid that her situation will bring unwanted government attention to their home. When Wendy uncovers a family secret that could change everything, she must find the courage to stand up for what she believes in. Via a propulsive narrative that seamlessly balances typical tween worries with one girl’s social justice awakening, debut author Leahy crafts a powerful meditation on the difficult choice between what one views as right vs. safe with resounding empathy and skill. The supporting cast is racially diverse. Ages 8–12. Agent: Brent Taylor, Triada US. (Oct.)