cover image Rich White Men: What It Takes to Uproot the Old Boys’ Club and Transform America

Rich White Men: What It Takes to Uproot the Old Boys’ Club and Transform America

Garrett Neiman. Legacy Lit, $30 (384p) ISBN 978-0-306-92556-6

Neiman, a senior fellow at Prosperity Now, debuts with a well-intentioned yet uneven look at the “compounding unearned advantages” that have allowed white men to accumulate most of the wealth and power in America, and what it would take to produce a more equitable society. Noting that social justice nonprofits and charitable organizations are heavily dependent on the generosity of rich white men like himself, Neiman contends that most philanthropists hold beliefs, including the idea that they “earned everything they have,” that work against a just and equitable society. Nevertheless, he believes that many of his cohort can be convinced to abandon their prejudices and work to overcome injustice. He encourages these men to recognize their privilege, support governmental—not just nonprofit—antipoverty programs, embrace “stereotypically feminine leadership qualities,” including humility and empathy, and work to bring about a culture of repair. The goal should be “to partner deeply across differences and ruffle feathers where we have influence,” he writes. Though much of Neiman’s argument is convincing, its scope is limited (his sources are mostly leadership books and people he knows), and his earnest self-criticism occasionally bleeds into virtue signaling. This call for change lacks force. Agent: Mel Berger, WME. (June)