WHEN LIFE AND BELIEFS COLLIDE: How Knowing God Makes a Difference
Carolyn Custis James, WHEN LIFE AND BELIEFS COLLIDE: How Knowing God Makes a Diff. , $15.99 (192pp) ISBN 978-0-310-23309-1
"You know, there have never been any great women theologians." So said a professor to James, a writer and speaker with a master's degree in biblical studies. She begs to differ, and backs up her stance with strong arguments. Spurred on by the professor's inane comment, James started on a journey to understand exactly how Christian theology fits into women's lives. Very nicely, thank you. James asserts that when life's problems come calling, women will rely on their knowledge of God to carry them through. If their understanding of God's unchangeable character is sound, these hurting women have solid resources to draw on and emerge from difficulties as stronger and more resilient Christians. On the flip side, she cautions, those whose theology is weak will quaver when the storms hit. The author cites Mary of Bethany as the quintessential biblical female theologian, who discarded current social stigmas and sat at Jesus' feet right along with the men. Mary looked to Jesus to solve life's problems and sought to learn from him at every opportunity. As she did, her theology was strengthened, making her one of the few who understood and ministered to Jesus before his crucifixion. Says James, all women need theology for themselves, each other, their families and the church at large because theologically strong women make it their business to shore up and encourage those within their sphere of influence. This thoughtful text, admonishing every woman to embrace theology, should be classed as required reading in basic Christian doctrine.
Reviewed on: 03/26/2001
Genre: Religion
Other - 272 pages - 978-0-310-86467-7
Paperback - 272 pages - 978-0-310-25014-2