While some of these two-dozen-plus questions aren't exactly mysteries, Aron, a reporter for the Virginia Gazette
, still gives readers plenty to ponder. The queries are bound to capture the imagination of a broad range of baseball fans. Answers to inquiries such as why the Dodgers left Brooklyn for Los Angeles, or whether Moe Berg, a mediocre, Ivy League-educated player, was a spy, are pretty much closed cases and have been for years. But other questions—can small-market teams compete? Why can't the Cubs win? Were yesterday's players better? Do managers matter?—have no absolute answer and thus make for compelling reading. The questions generally fall into two categories: those with definitive, factual answers; and ones with open-ended, opinion-fueled responses. Aron, who has written two books on American history following this same format, draws on a variety of sources to answer his queries, although he leaves several questions open for debate. Each chapter ends with a brief bibliography, allowing those curious enough "to investigate further." Whether reporting the facts or arguing about the validity of his theories, Aron does a nice job of reminding readers that these ponderables are part of the enjoyment of following our national pastime. (Mar.)